Our team, both in Pisa and Chongqing, wish all our readers and friends happy holidays! We will get back to you in 2022 with new…

Daily dose of Chongqing pics, this time with our friend Fabrizio Leto. No matter if the daytime is grey, the night in Chongqing will always be…

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: three main turning points In your career you have done many things, and you have been different “Yang Shi”: a multifaceted artist, a…

Scenes of daily life, near the “Long river”, the Yangtze. This is not “Central Chongqing” and you won’t see any skyscrapers. But in a Chinese…

This morning we had the honor to attend the event “EURAXESS China Science Slam 2021”, represented by Marco Bonaglia 博马克 as a member of the online…

Born in China in 1979, since 1990 Shi Yang Shi has resided in Italy of which he has been a citizen since 2006. A “Sino-italian”actor,…

For 11 years, Italy and China have been closer thanks to the bilateral program of scientific and technological cooperation – promoted by the two governments…

On November 24th, we had the pleasure to attend, together with teachers and students from our friends of Nankai University of Tianjin, the online event…

This Thursday at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna we had the chance to organize together with the Confucius Institute of Pisa and the support from Università degli…

PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT In order to improve efficiency in the flow of cultural, industrial and scientific elements and in-depth integration of markets, to achieve…

Born in Padua in 1985, Giacomo Giora graduated from the Aeronautical Technical Institute and obtained degrees in Mechanical Engineering (three-year) and Management Engineering (specialist). He…

Our Institute last week was proud to give its support to the organization of two events on China: a Seminar in Pisa on contemporary China,…

The Rotary Club Pisa-Galilei, in collaboration with the Institute of Management of the Sant’Anna School of Advances Studies and with our Institute, is organizing the…

New interview to our Director, Professor Di Minin, with the Italian National all news channel TgCom 24, this time on the development of Chinese economy,…

Our Zhang Yangxin last week had the chance to visit the Bishan offices of the company “MetaSystem Spa”. The visit was successfully organized by our…

On September 29, 2021, the EQUIS International Certification Committee officially notified that the School of Economics and Business Administration of Chongqing University has passed the…

RESEARCH – Today Professor Giorgio Parisi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, together with Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann, “for the discovery of the…

The Movie – Narrated by the protagonist and author, Myjing is a diary from the future, written by a man who lives in a dystopian…

The Book – How to establish relations with Chinese people, including business relations? In other words, how to enter China? Our “GGII Books” column new…