Smart tourism destinations in China In China (as everywhere else in the World) we are witnessing a crucial moment for the tourism sector. The role…

Discover real Chongqing with us and Zhang Qianyu from the perspective of common people on the streets. Food, small businesses, local traditions: we offer unique insights with…

Discover real Chongqing with us and Zhang Qianyu from the perspective of common people on the streets. Food, small businesses, local traditions: we offer unique insights with…

Martino Piccioli was born in Prato, where he lived on several occasions for almost forty years. He has a degree with honors, a doctorate, a…

From Mao’s death in 1976 to PRC joining the WTO in 2001, many momentous events took place in China in the past forty-five years, and…

The book “Tea Seeds” by Lala Hu (ed. People) is a detailed chronicle of the events that took place in Italy at the beginning of…

磨刀不误砍柴工 (mó dāo bú wù kǎn chái gōng) – Making preparations won’t delay the work Over the past few decades, the world has been witnessing…