The Movie – Narrated by the protagonist and author, Myjing is a diary from the future, written by a man who lives in a dystopian…

The Book – How to establish relations with Chinese people, including business relations? In other words, how to enter China? Our “GGII Books” column new…

Federico Gaiazzi is the General Manager of Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. (SFH). An engineer with a degree from the Politecnico di Milano, he…

Our Director, Professor Alberto Di Minin, was interviewed today by Tgcom24, to discuss China decarbonization plan, Chinese innovation technology in the energy sector, and Sino…

Our Institute is back on track in Pisa and Chongqing after the summer break. Be ready to hear great news from us in the second…

“Asiatica” is a book that crosses Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Taiwan, drawing a geographical and cultural map to navigate the turmoil in East Asia….

The “Italian Development Report (2020~2021): Italy under the Impact of the Covid19 Epidemic” provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the progress of Italy’s political,…

For our column “Galilei Circle of Friends” we have the pleasure to host today Mister Lorenzo Riccardi, founder of the tax and corporate advisory firm…