A few weeks ago in Sant’Anna our Director had the pleasure to host the speech of Professor Antonio Frisoli from the Institute of Mechanical Intelligence….

In the past articles of the series “from Quantity to Quality” we explored the innovation occurring in China and the shift of its economic growth…

Our Director, Professor Alberto Di Minin, from April 26th to 27th visited Chongqing for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. It was…

Gianluca Fracasso is a Marketing, Communication, HR Strategist with 12+ years on-the-ground experience in China Tech and advertising. Currently in charge of Employer Branding Strategy…

New event organized by our Institute and the Istituto Confucio di Pisa . Next Monday Mister Massimo Bagnasco will give a speech about commercial relations…

Lawyer and China & CIS Desk leader of EY Tax&Law area in Italy since March 2018, a woman, mother and business lawyer, Alessia Pastori leads…

We are glad to inform you that Marco Bonaglia was invited to attend the event series called “Research Colloquium” organized by the China Center at…

Our Institute was proud to offer our support last week to the event titled “2023 Italian Design Day” that took place at the Art Museum…

Michele Bonino, architect, is Full Professor of Architectural and Urban Planning at the Turin Polytechnic, where he is the Rector’s Delegate for Relations with China…

Diletta Taverni is a junior copywriter with international experiences as an Italian teacher in China by the Galileo Galilei Institute. Her academic mix consists in…

On March 6th, 2023 Marco Bonaglia was hosted in Pisa to discuss the cooperation between Pisa and Chongqing and introduce the role of our Institute…

Tommaso Camponeschi is an expert sinologist, young entrepreneur and startup enthusiast. Graduated from Sapienza, Ca’ Foscari and Peking University, he lived in China for many…

If we look at China in the past forty and more years of intensive economic growth, we can see how one of the main growing…

Our Institute and its team wish Happy Chinese New Year of the Rabbit to all our Chinese friends and colleagues. 恭喜发财!🐇🐰 Please share:

This week we have the pleasure to host in our column Andrea Fenn, a talented award-winning digital strategist and the CEO of Adiacent China, technology…

China has been on the forefront in the international race of becoming a “Green country”. PRC had done a lot regarding the climate change battle,…