Gianluca Luisi, originally from Canosa di Puglia, a small town in the beautiful South of Italy, began his career abroad very young starting from the…
“What happens in China is our daily life”. The trauma brought by Covid-19, which has spread all over the world, has given a sudden acceleration…
Our Director Alberto Di Minin had the pleasure of being hosted by the Italian journalist association “China Files“, to discuss the topic of Italian scientific…
Introduction to the new “Economic Circle” Dear readers of our column “Galileo Observer”, welcome to a new episode of the series called “From quantity to…
Last week we had the pleasure to attend with our Mo Surong the Annual General Meeting of the Southwest Chapter of the European Chamber of Commerce…
It will be released on April 26th by Vydia publisher “Nuvole di drago“, the first novel by Cristiano Varotti, Head of Shanghai Office of ENIT,…
Discover real Chongqing with us and Zhang Qianyu from the perspective of common people on the streets. Food, small businesses, local traditions: we offer unique insights with original pics, all…
WISHES – Our staff wish our Western followers Happy Eastern 2021 and our Chinese friends Happy Qingming Festival! Please share:
Smart tourism destinations in China In China (as everywhere else in the World) we are witnessing a crucial moment for the tourism sector. The role…
Discover real Chongqing with us and Zhang Qianyu from the perspective of common people on the streets. Food, small businesses, local traditions: we offer unique insights with…
Discover real Chongqing with us and Zhang Qianyu from the perspective of common people on the streets. Food, small businesses, local traditions: we offer unique insights with…
Martino Piccioli was born in Prato, where he lived on several occasions for almost forty years. He has a degree with honors, a doctorate, a…
From Mao’s death in 1976 to PRC joining the WTO in 2001, many momentous events took place in China in the past forty-five years, and…
The book “Tea Seeds” by Lala Hu (ed. People) is a detailed chronicle of the events that took place in Italy at the beginning of…
磨刀不误砍柴工 (mó dāo bú wù kǎn chái gōng) – Making preparations won’t delay the work Over the past few decades, the world has been witnessing…
The logo of Postwave Brewing “Postwave Brewing” was born from the meeting of two millennial cultures. In 2020, the mutual passion for “craftsmanship” allowed Italian…
Retinal correctors to improve vision, companion animatronics to compensate for loneliness, AI to support the loss of functionality caused by aging and a series of…
A pic of the Three parallel river protected area in Yunnan Tourism in Yunnan Province and its UNESCO sites Even though our Institute is based…