Forum Italia-Cina a Verona – The view of Lorenzo Riccardi
The Italy-China Entrepreneurial Forum which was held at the Palaexpo of Veronafiere with the meeting between the Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani and the Chinese Trade Minister Wang Wentao had as its focus the increase in bilateral investments.
According to data from the Bank of Italy, Italian investments in China have varied in the value of accumulated stock incrementally: 11,755 million euros in 2019, 12,901 million euros in 2020, 14,782 million euros in 2021 and 15,552 million euros in 2022.
As regards Chinese investments in Italy, however, there is a trend with investment stock values that vary over the years, 2,338 million euros in 2019, 2,560 million euros in 2020, then decreasing to 2,158 million euros in 2021 and growing to 2,290 million euros in 2022.
In terms of direct investment flows, which record the value of cross-border transactions relating to investments in a given period, Italian investments in China went from 672 million euros in 2019 to 1,204 million euros in 2020, then to 1,159 million euros in 2021 and subsequently decreased to 1,132 million euros in 2022. At the same time, there was a reduction in the flows of Chinese foreign direct investments in Italy, which varied from +657 million euros in 2019 to a negative balance of -875 million euros in 2020, followed by an increase of 236 million euros in 2021 and then a slowdown to +140 million euros in 2022.
By Lorenzo Riccardi