GGII ACTIVITIES – New lecture on Chongqing tourism at Uni Macerata
We are glad to inform you that Marco Bonaglia was invited to attend the event series called “Research Colloquium” organized by the China Center at Uni Macerata, to take place next April 20th at 2pm Italian time. The title of his speech will be “Reinventing Tourism destinations – the case of Chongqing: challenges and opportunities for tourism in the spiciest city of China”
The China Center is directed by Professor Francesca Spigarelli, one of the leading Italian and European experts on China and dear friend of our Institute and the research team on China in Sant’Anna. Professor Spigarelli just gave a lecture to the students of our Director in Pisa, regarding Sino Italian relations and Chinese FDI to the EU. Professor Spigarelli is also supported by Gianluca Sampaolo, Research Fellow at the University of Macerata and the Center.
The China Center is a multidisciplinary center for research and training, which was created with the aim of enhancing the skills and knowledge gained over the years by researchers at the University of Macerata in various fields and sectors concerning the China. Law, economics, politics, international business are just a few examples of the disciplines covered.
You can apply and connect to the event by scanning the QR code here: