GGII BOOKS – Business in China
China has been an attractive destination for Italian investors and entrepreneurs for years, and will continue to be so even after the pandemic. Which scenario will prevail in post-COVID-19 China’s consumption? Revenge spending or rational consumption? Capturing the signals coming from the sectors in recovery and anticipating the trends of the future will allow to gain a new positioning in the most important market in the world.
How to choose and manage business partners and customers in China? How to organize your company to face the challenge? Which digital platforms to use? How to be “wanghong” for your consumers? How to prevent the risks? To face the competition in the most promising and complex market in the world, you need a real strategic manual: to make it happen, Boggio Ferraris and Ghizzoni tell the story of “mainland China”, focusing on the “social psychology” of a nation with a thousand resources.
Thanks to “Business in China” it will be possible to manage, or even just design, your own business aware of all the secrets of the Asian giant: from consumer styles to digital technologies, passing through the most recent management styles.