GGII BOOKS – Gentrification and Diversity: Re-branding Milan’s Chinatown
This book explores the complexities of resistance to gentrification and displacement in Milan Chinatown, located in the Paolo Sarpi street neighborhood. Author Lidia Manzo delves into the role of urban diversity in redefining inclusion and exclusion in cities undergoing revitalization. She examines the impact of gentrification and sociocultural diversity on the neighborhood, challenging the notion that immigration and gentrification are mutually exclusive. By analyzing the dynamics of negotiation, co-production, and resistance in multiethnic areas, the book offers a nuanced understanding of the complexities surrounding urban revitalization. Manzo’s study of Milan’s Chinatown highlights the interconnectedness of diversity and inclusion/exclusion, illustrating how these phenomena can coexist and even reinforce each other.
Keywords: gentrification, urban diversity, resistance, Chinatown, Milan.
The Author: Lidia Katia C. Manzo is Assistant Professor in Sociology of Culture and Communication at the Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations at the University of Milan. She has been recently awarded with the Marie Sklodowska Curie European Individual Fellowship 2020–2023 to develop the project CITY-OF-CARE at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the same University. She is interested in the application of ethnography and participatory methods in critical urban cultural studies to reinforce our knowledge of how discrimination, segregation, and hegemony work spatially.