GGII Events – “China: the birth of a superpower”
Starting Finance Club UniPi, in partnership with the Confucius Institute of Pisa and the Galilei Institute of Chongqing, is pleased to present the webinar “China: birth of a superpower” to be held via the platform on June 18 at 5 pm Zoom. The event will focus on the “Silk Road”, a Chinese commercial project announced by President Xi Jinping in 2013.
The webinar includes speeches by:
-Prof. DAVIDE FIASCHI, University of Pisa;
-Dott.ssa FABIANA DE CARLO, Confucius Institute Pisa
-Dr. MARCO BONAGLIA, Galilei Institute Chongqing
As usual, the event will end with questions and debates.
See you there!
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/tZIlcu6opzMuGdavhonDR9z1IhhTPwrr6h-4
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