GGII EVENTS – Post Event Report – Round Table with Professor Apicella
This Thursday at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna we had the chance to organize together with the Confucius Institute of Pisa and the support from Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” , and the Consolato Generale d’Italia a Chongqing , the round table titled “A Case Study of Open Innovation in Additive Manufacturing. Research, Design Solutions and Business Development for a Circular Economy“.

Professor Apicella, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute Professor Huang and Professor Di Minin
The event opened with the introduction by our Director, Professor Alberto Di Minin and then by the institutional greetings of Mister Lorenzo Gonzo from the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing.
Professor Antonio Apicella from University of Campania then introduced his research developed with Chinese Professors from Chongqing and Beihang Universities, discussed the potential of new ideas and applications of additive manufacturing technologies and outlined new opportunities and possible business developments related to circular economy and design.

Professor Apicella giving his speech at the event
This event represented a great opportunity to keep dialogue and scientific cooperation between Sant’Anna, Chongqing University and Professor’s Apicella’s team active, to share with the audience innovative ideas and find new opportunities and synergies for cooperation between Italy and China.

Our “China Team” with Professor Apicella after the end the Round table