GGII EVENTS – Second Seminar at CEP on “Laboratory Chongqing”
The seminar titled “Chongqing Laboratory”, co-organized by the Galileo Galilei Institute of Chongqing, the Confucius Institute of Pisa and the CEPostopertutti ETS Association, was held in Pisa on May 19th at the CEP quarter. The event could count on the full support from iChongqing, Chongqing University and the School of Economics and Business Administration (SEBA) of CQU.
The main speech was given by Marco Bonaglia, our “China Expert” and PhD Candidate at Chongqing University, who lived in Chongqing for more than two years before the outbreak of the pandemic. Miss Fabiana De Carlo of the Confucius Institute was also present at the event: she briefly described the activities of the Institute and brought greetings from the Chinese Co-Director Professor Huang Yunling. Professor Li Yanyan of Chinese Language and Culture at the Confucius Institute was also there with his beautiful family.
Bonaglia started his speech from the development of the main Chinese cities, their opportunities and the imperious growth of the last decades. He then went on to describe the Municipality of Chongqing, its characteristics and the “Chongqing Model” of growth and development promoted in recent years. Bonaglia then presented Chongqing as a “City of wonders”: listing the beauties of the city, which represents one of the most fascinating and diverse realities on the Chinese and international scene.
In the last part, the organizers shared a video sent by SEBA which introduced the activities and academic and educational offers of the School to those present.
The event was met with a good audience participation: both Italians and Chinese attended the event, and the meeting was an opportunity for discussion, sharing of experiences (in the final part of the seminar an interesting and fruitful debate took place with the contribution of both Italian and Chinese guests)
The next event of the seminar series titled “The New Silk Road” will take place on May 31, 2022: Bonaglia will describe the case of successful collaboration between Pisa and Chongqing, and in particular between Chongqing University and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa. The event will also be broadcast in live streaming on the Instagram page of the Galileo Galilei Institute.