GGII NETWORK - Festival of Critical Economy \ The power of profit or the power to change?

GGII NETWORK – Festival of Critical Economy \ The power of profit or the power to change?

We are happy to share an event by our longtime friend, Professor Francesca Spigarelli from the University of Macerata. It will take place in Milan, on October 5th, in the bigger framework of the “Festival of Critical Economy – The power of profit or the power to change?”, event organized by the Feltrinelli Foundation.

Professor Spigarelli, Director of the China Center of Macerata and an expert on China economic development and in particular on Chinese FDI, will discuss the topic of “Capitalism, globalization and resources”, together with other distinguished scholars.

Here are more details about the event

14.30 – 15.30
Sala Polifunzionale
Capitalismo, Globalizzazione e Risorse

Lecture di
Zha Daojiong Department of South-South Cooperation and Development – School of International Studies, Peking University

Beatriz Calzada Olvera Erasmus University Rotterdam
Francesca Spigarelli Università di Macerata

To book a seat please visit this link

You can find a previous interview with Professor Spigarelli at this link

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