GGII Seminars – Chinese science fiction second chapter
17 June (3PM Italian time): “Meeting with Chinese Science Fiction Authors: Xia Jia and Chen Qiufan”, moderator Francesco Verso.
Meet two of the best writers of contemporary Chinese Science Fiction. A talk with Xia Jia and Chen Qiufan about their stories, their current projects, and the future of Chinese Science Fiction. The talk is moderated by Francesco Verso, Italian SF writer and publisher of the authors.
1) 3 – 3:40 First Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71196385576?pwd=SStaeWxycGE1U05EU29jbk5LcEhvdz09
Meeting ID: 711 9638 5576
Password: 1MAiKz
2) 4 – 4:40 Second Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79225517806?pwd=bWMwNjhSeFNjaFVHd2tqcjZWUlRNdz09
Meeting ID: 792 2551 7806
Password: 2j4yiP
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