On The Streets of CQ – Chongqing in black & white
Sometimes colors are deceptive. Both in marketing and in everyday life. To really understand the taste, the value, the depth of things, we can put colors away, and see things from a very different perspective.
With China, sometimes it is necessary to do the same. In Chongqing, you have to focus on other senses, getting lost in the scents of the city to get closer to the true essence of our experience.
In China it is very easy to be overwhelmed by the rhythm, the chaos of everyday life, losing the true sense of being there. Sometimes it is useful to slow down, look at your experience in black and white, to go back to the essence of your Chinese mission. To discover that beauty is everywhere, even in black and white.
All the pics were taken by Alessandra Burini, a Sant’Anna School student, while visiting Chongqing.