RESEARCH - New Chapter published with the friends of Roma 3!

RESEARCH – New Chapter published with the friends of Roma 3!

We are very happy to share that our research team contributed to a new book published by Roma 3 Press and edited by Professors Antonelli, Romagnoli and Lepadat, titled “China of the Olympics from 2008 to 20022“.

Our chapter, written by Bonaglia, Di Minin and Cricchio, titled “China in the eyes of Italian managers: perspectives and challenges in the years of change between the two Beijing Olympics“, collected the experiences of Italian managers in China, their ambitions, difficulties but also wonder in front of a constantly changing market with great opportunities like the Chinese one.

Our Executive Director was in Rome to present our research to the audience of the book launch, sharing the stories of Italian managers in China and also dedicating the chapter to the memory of our longtime friend, Guido Giacconi, who passed away in September 2022.

Our Institute has collaborated actively with Professor Antonelli, a friend of the Galilei, Director of the Italian Institute of Culture of Beijing since 2022, and we are looking forward to finding new ways of sharing our experience “boots on the ground” in Chongqing and all over China with him and his team in Rome.

The book can be found and downloaded at this LINK

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