How to become a world football superpower: China’s recipe

How to become a world football superpower: China’s recipe

China, with the world’s largest population, excels in many sports, especially athletics. Yet, it miserably underperformed at one of the most popular sport worldwide, and…

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Workshop on Italian Music

Workshop on Italian Music

The Professor Luciano Tristaino, Director of Franci Musical Institute in Siena (Italy), held a seminar about “The study of Music and the Orchestra practice and…

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China’s role in Nuclear Security Cooperation: Xi in Washington at the NSS

China’s role in Nuclear Security Cooperation: Xi in Washington at the NSS

The fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) concluded in Washington on 1 April. Leaders from more than 50 countries and international organizations, such as the International…

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IMF Christine Lagarde at the China Development Forum

IMF Christine Lagarde at the China Development Forum

The three-day China Development Forum (CDF) kicked off at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing last Saturday. The CDF is a large-scale and high-profile international…

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March 10th, 2016 Time: 6:30 -8:30 pm Venue: Chongqing University, Campus A, Main teaching building, Room 328 Please share:

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China’s 13th Five-Year Plan: restrained growth and new development strategies

China’s 13th Five-Year Plan: restrained growth and new development strategies

The National People’s Congress (NPC) – the Chinese Communist Party-controlled legislature – together with the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) – the top governmental…

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Chinese women are trying to reach their half of the sky

Chinese women are trying to reach their half of the sky

On Tuesday this week, all around the globe Women’s Day has been celebrated in many different ways. Multinational companies have embraces the holiday, turning it…

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Joint Venture Experiences in Chongqing’s Automotive Industry

Joint Venture Experiences in Chongqing’s Automotive Industry

China is now the world’s biggest automobile market, both in terms of production and of consumption. Chongqing started producing cars, trucks, motorcycles and components more…

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New Rule for Media in China: what to expect?

New Rule for Media in China: what to expect?

After touring China’s three leading news providers, People’s Daily newspaper, Xinhua News Agency, and China Central Television (CCTV) last Friday, Chinese president Xi Jinping presided…

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CCP cadres are trembling: China’s anti-corruption campaign

CCP cadres are trembling: China’s anti-corruption campaign

Since the beginning of 2016, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been putting a strong stress on enforcing moral standards and discipline in the selection of…

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Chongqing Mayor tipped to rescue China’s financial markets

Chongqing Mayor tipped to rescue China’s financial markets

Having lost around the 15% of its value in the first two weeks of 2016, Chinese stockmarket is still struggling to achieve stability. After the dramatic…

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姚树洁 诺丁汉大学当代中国学学院院长,经济学教授,著名华裔经济学家, 西安交通大学特聘讲座教授,重庆大学全职教授(2014年起)全英中国专业团体联和会副主席,联合国开发计划署和世界银行经济顾问。 2016年开市的第一周,中国股市连续暴跌,到现在已经跌破2900点。人民币继2015年跌幅5%以后,2016年的头10个交易日连续多次大幅度下跌。虽然1月12日突然暴涨1000点,13日企稳在1美元兑6.56人民币的水平,比今年开始的时候跌近2000个基点。 我1月9日从伦敦坐飞机到上海,手上抓了一份《Financial Times》,从头版头条,到中间的各种评论,整个数十页的大报纸,有近10%的篇幅在讲中国“两市”问题,中国经济放慢以后的发展展望,以及对世界经济的影响。 其中,最让人难忘的,就是有种“中国打喷嚏,全球都感冒”的感觉。从2016年1月4日开市,到1月8日,由于受中国“两市”暴跌的影响,全球上市公司的股值缩水2.4万亿美元,相当于2014年印度和俄国两国GDP的总和。 中国作为世界经济的增长“引擎”,如果中国不行了,世界经济当然要遭殃。这一方面说明中国的重要性,另一方面也说明世界经济全球化已经与中国的命运紧紧地连在一起。因此,中国经济增长一旦大幅度衰减,全世界的目光都会盯住中国,全球经济也必将受到沉重的打击。 这也难怪,在中国“两市”同时暴跌的时候,外界对中国的种种分析、猜想,甚至幸灾乐祸和诽谤的言论,到处可见。 我今天早上花了3个小时的时间,接受新华社重庆分社主任记者张琴和她的同事,新华网政文部主编邓婷的采访。我讲话内容的最后要点是这样的。第一,我对目前中国出现的困难既是“悲观”的,因为,如果没有这些在5年前预想不到的困难的话,中国必将在2025年之前超过美国。第二,我对中国的未来依然是乐观的,因为,出现目前的发展阻力,可能使中国推后5年,也就是要到2030年才能超过美国,成为全球第一大经济体。也就是说,中国不是能不能赶上美国的问题,而是什么时候能够赶上的问题。晚5年也好,甚至晚10年也好,中国成为全球第一大经济体是一种必然,而不只是一种可能。 中国的GDP增长7.4%,2015年前三季度增长6.9%。虽然增长速度的下降幅度比大家预想的大,但是,下降0.5个百分点,不是通常定义的软着陆,更不是危机。其次,就2015年的前三季度来说,全球的增长率不到3%。除了印度的增长率比中国略高,全球10大经济体,中国的表现是最好的。例如,美国增长2%,英国2.4%,欧元区1.8%,日本1%,而俄罗斯和巴西都是负增长4%以上。 面对如此残酷的外部经济环境,面对国内结构严重失调和资产泡沫,中国还能保持6.9%的增长速度, 实属不容易。 那么,我既然对中国的未来保持乐观态度,我们又怎样解释“两市双降”问题? 首先,中国股市从一开始就是有问题的,不是今天才有问题的。股市使老百姓吃亏,使中国经济的正常运行受到干扰,使中国的国际形象受到损害。但是,股市不是中国经济的命根子,最少目前不是。 至于人民币汇率,央行是不是已经中了“外部势力”的圈套?2005年的汇改,让人民币一路升值,外汇大量流入,推升资产泡沫,降低中国出口的竞争力。2014年以后,对外汇管理采取管制性的浮动汇率,甚至把浮动的幅度从一个百分点调高到两个百分点,快速推动人民币国际化和加入SDR,等等。 要知道,一旦股市和汇市全面放开,而堵住投机和资本外逃的机制还没有健全,那么,中国就把自己的命根子直接交给了国内外的投机者。过于自由的“两市”就可能让中国重蹈1997年东南亚经济危机的覆辙。 1997年以前,东南亚诸国经济发展非常好,但是,他们在市场自由化的推动下,露出了许多破绽。尤其是马来西亚和泰国,他们既没有“四小龙”的基础和韧劲,也没有足够的外汇储备和堵住外资流出的有效机制,所以,在本国货币大幅度贬值和股票市场崩盘的双重打击之下,国民经济受到了致命的伤害,导致后来的恢复与发展,一直缺乏元气。 中国2016的“两市”大跌,有点像1997年的亚洲危机,但是,中国“两市”下跌的幅度远没有泰国和马来西亚当年那么可怕。另外,中国还有3万多亿美元的外汇储备垫底,足够抵挡任何恶意的打击。股市基本还是国内交易为主,股市暴跌,影响是少部分人,对中国经济不会产生致命的伤害。 我对中国乐观的理由,还是“中国人”这三个字。何谓“中国人”?她代表勤奋、简朴、好学而不甘落后。这些优良的文化习惯,是中国赖以长期发展的根本。 中国的优势还在于,政治稳定,民族自尊心强,不甘落后,不怕困难。1978年以前够困难了吧?改革初期够困难了吧?现在已经有了可持续发展的基础,为什么还怕困难? 出口和外资靠不住了,中国不用怕。国内的市场巨大,地区和城乡的差别巨大,说明中国还有无穷的发展空间。把落后地区的经济发展水平,推高到全国的平均水平,就可以让中国有很长的时间保持“中高速度”发展。 当然,中国经济可持续发展,依然需要政府正确的决策,需要科学的发展规划和布局,需要明智的市场调控措施。 对人民币汇率,在目前经济处于脆弱的阶段,一定要采取措施稳住,不能出现大起大落的情况,以避免投资者对中国经济失去信心。 对于股市,要加强公司的长期监管,降低股民的投机心理,堵住任何以投机有关的金融杠杆或者工具。…

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China's stockmarket turmoil: one of the worst starts for 2016

China’s stockmarket turmoil: one of the worst starts for 2016

During this second week of the new year, Chinese stockmarket continued its sharp fall up to Thursday, when both Shanghai and Shenzhen closed with relevant…

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As 2015 ended, China enters 2016 with renewed hopes and a widespread pride for great achievements on the global arena, but it also confronts with…

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Italian online is still buffering

Italian online is still buffering

Lately, I have heard that Italian has become one of the most studied language in the world. Somebody says is the fourth or fifth in…

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Support to students

Support to students

WHO GOES TO CHINA VISITING PROGRAM FOR SANT’ANNA STUDENTS AT CHONGQING UNIVERSITY The Galilei Institute with the Confucius Institute of Pisa organise every year a visiting…

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Support to delegations and companies

Support to delegations and companies

ASSISTANCE TO DELEGATIONS AND MISSIONS TO ITALY AND CHINA The GGII provides consultancy services and assistance to the Chinese delegations of entrepreneurs or academics planning…

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Academic cooperation

Academic cooperation

  PROMOTION OF SANT’ANNA SCHOOL OF ADVANCED STUDIES IN CHINA The Institute participates in the most important institutional events taking place in the Municipality of Chongqing in…

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