Galilei Circle of Friends - Interview with Alessia Pastori

Galilei Circle of Friends – Interview with Alessia Pastori

Lawyer and China & CIS Desk leader of EY Tax&Law area in Italy since March 2018, a woman, mother and business lawyer, Alessia Pastori leads…

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Galilei Circle of Friends - Interview with Tommaso Camponeschi

Galilei Circle of Friends – Interview with Tommaso Camponeschi

Tommaso Camponeschi is an expert sinologist, young entrepreneur and startup enthusiast. Graduated from Sapienza, Ca’ Foscari and Peking University, he lived in China for many…

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Fireworks start a new journey

Fireworks start a new journey

Dear readers, we’d like to send our greetings to you all at the beginning of this first issue of Chongqing Stories in 2023. Did you…

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GGII NETWORK - Our Director's interview with CNEUCN is out!

GGII NETWORK – Our Director’s interview with CNEUCN is out!

GGII NETWORK – Our Director Alberto Di Minin interview with the CNEUCN platform of our dear friend and partner Massimo Bagnasco is out now! Professor Di Minin discussed Sino…

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GGII NEWS - Message from Space by Samantha Cristoforetti

GGII NEWS – Message from Space by Samantha Cristoforetti

俯 察 品类 之 盛 ,所以 游 目 骋怀 ,足以 极 视听 之 娱 ,信 可乐 也。 From space, ISS commander Samantha Cristoforetti quotes the…

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