Galilei Circle of Friends - Interview with Tommaso Camponeschi

Galilei Circle of Friends – Interview with Tommaso Camponeschi

Tommaso Camponeschi is an expert sinologist, young entrepreneur and startup enthusiast. Graduated from Sapienza, Ca’ Foscari and Peking University, he lived in China for many…

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On the Streets of CQ - Aerial Growing Urban Forest

On the Streets of CQ – Aerial Growing Urban Forest

Chongqing is keep on growing day after day. An example is the new skyscraper in “Chongqing Tiandi”, in Shapingba District, where many international companies have…

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GGII EVENTS - Launch of the Photo Exhibition of Lorenzo Riccardi in Pisa!

GGII EVENTS – Launch of the Photo Exhibition of Lorenzo Riccardi in Pisa!

Last week we had the great pleasure to launch the photo exhibition titled “China – Country of Wonders” at “Caffè Letterario, Volta Pagina” of Pisa,…

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GGII EVENTS - Third Seminar at CEP on "People to People Diplomacy" and Sant'Anna-CQU cooperation

GGII EVENTS – Third Seminar at CEP on “People to People Diplomacy” and Sant’Anna-CQU cooperation

Our last seminar titled “Intercultural Dialogue – People to People Diplomacy between Italy and China”, co-organized with the Confucius Institute of Pisa and the CEPostopertutti…

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