THE SPECIAL EDITION – The box set of “Il Milione” by Marco Polo and “Le città invisibili” by Italo Calvino was created as a celebratory…

This book explores the complexities of resistance to gentrification and displacement in Milan Chinatown, located in the Paolo Sarpi street neighborhood. Author Lidia Manzo delves…

Today we want to bring the attention to the publication titled “The City After Chinese New Towns: Spaces and Imaginaries from Contemporary Urban China”, curated…

Does it make sense to talk about Chinese style today? Is there an original sense of beauty with Chinese characteristics? What new and original contribution…

Winner of the Chinese Media Literature Award for Author of the Year, the Grand Prize of Overseas Chinese Literary Award, and Taiwan’s Open Book Award,…

The book – In the year of the great pandemic, the author offers his personal diary of a quarantine in Beijing and the story of…

The Book – How to establish relations with Chinese people, including business relations? In other words, how to enter China? Our “GGII Books” column new…

“Asiatica” is a book that crosses Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Taiwan, drawing a geographical and cultural map to navigate the turmoil in East Asia….

“CPP – Chinese For Pessimists – Definitive Chinese grammar manual for students under stress” (published by Orientalia Editrice) is equipped with specific exercises and offers…

“Futugrammi” is the fourth bilingual anthology of contemporary Chinese science fiction after “Nebula“, “Sinosfera” and “Artificina“, published by “Future Fiction” of writer Francesco Verso. The…

The Rector of Sapienza University of Rome, Antonella Polimeni, and the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Oliviero Diliberto, delivered to the President of the…

“I believe that the true essence of a journey lies in the desire to search for the different and the unknown, exploring the world through…

This is the generation that will change China and the world: three hundred and twenty million young people, more than the entire population of the…

“What happens in China is our daily life”. The trauma brought by Covid-19, which has spread all over the world, has given a sudden acceleration…

It will be released on April 26th by Vydia publisher “Nuvole di drago“, the first novel by Cristiano Varotti, Head of Shanghai Office of ENIT,…

Martino Piccioli was born in Prato, where he lived on several occasions for almost forty years. He has a degree with honors, a doctorate, a…

From Mao’s death in 1976 to PRC joining the WTO in 2001, many momentous events took place in China in the past forty-five years, and…

The book “Tea Seeds” by Lala Hu (ed. People) is a detailed chronicle of the events that took place in Italy at the beginning of…

磨刀不误砍柴工 (mó dāo bú wù kǎn chái gōng) – Making preparations won’t delay the work Over the past few decades, the world has been witnessing…

Retinal correctors to improve vision, companion animatronics to compensate for loneliness, AI to support the loss of functionality caused by aging and a series of…